The mass shooting at Columbine High School has become a place marker in my history. I survived the Columbine shooting with 1,942 other individuals, but my experience is uniquely mine and has shaped my life for over two decades.
Deepening the understanding of the effects of trauma and the importance of creating space for healing and recovery, I speak to local and national organizations, educators, law enforcement, non-profits, and mental health workers about navigating the aftermath of mass trauma.
Representing the survivor community, I share my journey, speaking to audiences about my resulting mental health challenges, uncovering the unrecognized effects of trauma, and coping with long-term PTSD.
Engaging in open, honest dialogue, I answer audience questions with honesty and humor. Dedicated to providing support, connection, and facilitation to trauma survivors and the service providers helping them, I hold a level one trauma training certification through the Colorado Victim Assistance Program.